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    Friday, February 16, 2018

    TND Group Can Hamsters Eat Peanut Butter?

    Can Hamsters Eat Peanut Butter?

    All hamster owners have a common question: what can their hamsters eat? Before you own a hamster you should be well informed about the foods they can eat and also the foods that may be harmful for your hamster.

    In this article we will deal with peanut butter. Most hamster owners know that their pets adore eating peanut butter, but is this spread safe for hamsters or it can be harmful? Will peanut butter have any side effects to your hamster’s health? Read along and you will find out soon, but first we will tell you something more about peanut butter.

    More about Peanut Butter

    As we all know, peanut butter is a popular food paste that is made from ground dry roasted peanuts. Peanut butter is used in cuisines all around the world. It is a great source of protein, dietary fiber, but it is also rich in vitamins and minerals. Peanut butter is healthy but it is very high in calories and it should not be eaten in large amounts.

    Also, there are people with a peanut allergy that can have allergic reactions after eating this food paste. But, what about hamsters? Can we feed them this tasteful spread?

    Is Peanut Butter Safe for Hamsters?

    If your hamster has already eaten a certain amount of peanut butter, don’t panic immediately!

    Nothing bad will happen because peanut butter is safe for hamsters if eaten in small amounts. Actually, you can feed your hamster peanut butter but in moderation.

    How Much Peanut Butter Can you Give to Your Hamster?

    As long as you feed your hamster small amounts of peanut butter, it is safe for him. It is known that peanut butter can be too fattening if eaten in large amounts. Also, if eaten too much, peanut butter may cause choking. It is too sticky and it can get stuck in mouth or throat of a small animal like hamster.

    Also, if given in large amounts, peanut butter may cause bloating, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems with your hamster. The digestive system of your hamster sometimes is not able to tolerate such amount of peanut butter. In some serious cases it can also lead to death. Because of that, you should feed your hamster peanut butter but only moderately. Once or two times a week is more than enough for your hamster. It is important to put a thin layer of peanut butter on a stick or on bread and let your hamster eat it. It will be a delicious snack for your hamster and he will certainly love it.

    Peanut butter is safe for hamsters as long as it is used as an occasional treat, not as a regular part of your hamster’s diet. Of course, you should always start with small amounts of peanut butter and watch the reaction of your hamster. If you notice any side effects, you should take your hamster to the vet and stop feeding him peanut butter immediately.


    As you have seen in this article, peanut butter is safe for hamsters as long as it is eaten in moderation. If you feed your hamster large amounts of peanut butter, it may cause many side effects, such as choking, digestive problems or even death. Remember that you are the only responsible for your hamster’s health. Like many other foods, peanut butter should be fed in moderation to hamsters, in order to provide them long and healthy life.

    Also, before feeding any new food to your hamster, you should research carefully online and find out what is safe for your pet and what may be harmful.

    Source: Can Hamsters Eat Peanut Butter?
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