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    Friday, February 16, 2018

    TND Group Can Hamsters Eat Celery?

    Can Hamsters Eat Celery?

    These little bundles of joy are known for not being picky when it comes to food. They can eat almost everything and enjoy while doing it. From different sorts of fruits and vegetables, there are the ones that are more suitable for your little furry friend, and others that are not so recommended.

    Hamsters usually prefer fresh food and seeds, so we can safely include celery into this diet plan. We will learn more about this vegetable itself and how you can mix it in your hamster’s meal plan.

    Celery-nutritional information

    Celery is a sort of vegetable which has those anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. These two beneficial components make it a great option for detoxication of your body, as well as your pet’s. Sometimes our bodies can’t fight germs and viruses by themselves, and need support from fresh food and vegetables.

    Celery is also great as a digestive tract support. Polysaccharides ease digestive problems, and prevent creation of ulcers. Celery makes our heart healthy and cleans our blood vessels from cholesterol. This vegetable works as a diuretic and lowers our blood sugar. Digestive tract support is not only for people but for animals too. This is why celery is a perfect choice for your little furry friend.

    This vegetable is also rich in vitamin B2 , vitamin C, copper vitamin B6, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and many other vitamins and nutrients, which makes it a great choice both for people and for animals.

    Is celery safe for hamsters?

    Celery is definitely safe for your little furry friend. The best way to feed him celery is to use it fresh. Before feeding your hamster celery, make sure to clean it thouroughly. Organic vegetables and the ones you buy in your local store, can have a lot of germs and pesticides on top of them. These pesticides can possibly harm your little friend, and make him sick. This is why it is important to give him fruits and vegetables that are clean.

    When choosing celery, make sure to pick the one that seem fresh to you. This means no brown spots and avoid celery that seems droopy or dried out. Just like us, hamsters like eating fresh and tasty food. If you find any seeds on your celery, remove them, since they will make your celery bitter and not so tasty for your pet.

    You can store your celery in the fridge and protect it from too much cold inside a sealed bag. This vegetable can hold on for about a week, and after his beneficial nutrients are almost gone completely.

    When serving celery, cut it in smaller pieces so that your furry friend can eat them without any trouble. Hamsters usually get all of their beneficial components from hamster food, so giving him celery can only work as a treat from time to time. They will both enjoy it and get their extra dose of nutrients at the same time.

    Possible side-effects

    Celery is safe for hamsters. But, since celery has a diuretic effect, make sure to give your hamster smaller portions at first. Sometimes pets need to get used to changes in their meal plans. When you are including new foods, you can always ask your veterinarian for advice.

    Too much celery can make your little furry friend sick, or cause diarrhea or vomiting. These cases are not common, but if they do happen make sure to cut down on his celery portions. Whenever he gets these symptoms, it is usually an indication that you have given him too much of something.

    If the symptoms don’t go away then call your veterinarian and inform him about the situation.

    In closure, celery is a great food option for your hamster. It will provide him with enough nutrients, but make sure to still give him his daily portion of hamster food. Giving hamsters food besides his regular meal, is not that necessary. You can do this only if you think that he could use the extra nutrients.

    Food made especially for hamsters contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals so celery can be given as a treat.

    Your only concern is the amount of celery, so always use smaller portions and start slowly when including new foods into your hamsters’s diet.

    Source: Can Hamsters Eat Celery?
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